But the fact remains: until a few months ago, I would have bet all my worldly possessions that Michael Chiarello was gay. And based on the number of people who reach this blog by searching for "michael chiarello gay", I'm not the only one.

I guess I can compare it to other split-second judgments that you make about other people: that guy looks like a jerk, she seems depressed, they look like a happy couple. I just immediately thought that Michael Chiarello was gay and that was that. I also thought that he had somewhat of an ego but was slightly nerdy (in the best possible way), was a great cook, and was exceptionally sexy. I still stand by my last three impressions.

I saw the wedding band, but I know gay folks who wear wedding bands, so that doesn't prove anything.

Plus, we never saw his spouse and he never mentioned her. Bizarrely, he even cooked a Mother's Day breakfast in bed for a friend's wife. At this point I was convinced that he was gay, but a Google search reveals this article in the San Francisco Chronicle, which established his marriage to a woman:
These grapes make the wine for yet one more undertaking -- Chiarello Family Vineyards. Losing the grapes would have been an intensely personal loss since each of the four vineyards is named after the women in his life: wife, Eileen, and daughters Felicia, Margoux and Giana. It is a second marriage for Chiarello.Just last week on Easy Entertaining they recreated Michael's wedding menu and we glimpsed his wife (for the first time, as far as I know). Pretty, blonde and definitely younger, she didn't say a word2.
The presence of a wife and daughters hasn't convinced some people, but those are the kind of people who still aren't convinced that a man landed on the moon. Come on: the guy married not one, but two different women! And he's not a steelworker (or ranch hand), he's a chef in Northern California! The point is, if he wanted to come out, he's had ample opportunity.
To conclude this Armchair Cook investigation to the question, "Is Michael Chiarello gay?" we can only say that all signs point to no.
1I was fortunate to see this several months ago at the Honolulu Film Festival and it was fantastic.
2For several weeks I've been dealing with Tivo problems, cable problems and computer problems (sometimes all 3 at once), but I swear as soon as I get everything operational again I will post screencaps of the elusive wife.
I'm so right there with you trying to figure him out. But I remembered reading something (somewhere) that referred to his wife, other than that artcle you posted, and it just sat "right" with me. Like you said, it's not as if he's living in some uber-conservative land of anti-gay. He lives in Northern Cali and works in an industry that is perfectly happy to represent (per Margaret Cho) "The Gays."
I ♥ him no matter what.
Now, can you do an inside scoop on Dave Lieberman? Because I'm in total lust with that boy.
The soul patch Michael's sporting on Napa Style gave it away. I think gay men learned the no-no on the soul patch before straight men did. But yes, fair amount of lusting involved here. Mmmm.
When do Jamie and Bobby (Paula Deen's sons) get their show, I wonder?
the muse: Dave Lieberman is cutie-patootie, but he seems all nervous and jumpy. I did a double-take the other day when I saw him in that Quizno's commercial.
rebecca: Yep, MC's elusiveness was the major factor in sparking my speculation. He just seems like he is being coy about...something! I guess I will have to do some research on Dave Lieberman. I seem to remember reading a gossip item a few months ago that indicated he was a total player (of women) and was kind of considered a dog.
ms meh: I dislike the soul patch as well. It always reminds me of ex-frat boy dot-com workers in the late 90s. But MC is still hot!
This is my first post...I generally just lurk here. lol.
Anyway, I too also always thought he was gay, despite the wedding band. Then, one day, he mentioned his wife and kids. I was like, "WHAT??" Total shock! But I guess the man isn't gay. Who knew!
And I totally agree on Dave Lieberman. Despite his lisp and jumpiness, I think he's the hottest thing on Food Network since Tyler Florence.
Married or not, I'm still not convinced. Michael Chiarello is the gayest thing on Food Network (even gayer than Party Line with the Hearty Boys).
God...bless you for posting! I thought I was the only one who thought that he was telegraphing "I'm gay but don't ask and I won't tell".
I thougt he figured he could cover all demographics by being the perfect ambiguous metrosexual male. Maybe not...
I know a number of women with kids who married gay men knowingly so just because he's got the breeder goods doesn't mean he doesn't swing the other way as it suits him.
The sad thing is that we have to have this conversation at all. One day...this will all seem so quaint.
maybe he's hiding something else?
So, Michael responds ... interesting. That still doesn't stop my wife from thinking that he may be gay and that I may be "even more gay" for loving his show too much. I guess we would make a cute couple. We look similar, are roughly the same age and have a (combined) total of seven children.
By the way, I tried getting a hold of MC's "people" to get his chicken wild rice soup and chicken fettucini recipes, but to no avail. Note to Michael; If you ever wish to cook a nice "friend" meal for my wife and I, let me know. I'd be happy to fly in for lunch or dinner.
See ya!
Okay-- I just saw Michael's show and he practically pranced out of a doorway and said in a tres gay manner, "I'm having some friends over," or somesuch thing. And I wondered what would come up if I googled Michael Chiarello gay. As Seinfeld used to say, "Not that there's anything wrong with that." Look, Gov. Jim McGreevey was married twice and has- I forgot- 2 or 3 kids. That, in itself, is no proof that someone is straight. My take is that the age old "If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck..." theory is totally valid until something more accurate replaces it. As much as I like Michael and his show, I'd like it more if he came out.
Come on people, the ones who SAY they aren't convinced Michael is straight need to get a life. The man is an excellent chef, food network star and heck of a nice guy (saw him once at a store in Napa). Seems some people either hate to admit they might have been wrong, or if they are gay WANT a good looking, talented man to be gay. It is unfortunate that men who aren't big brawny football players/construction workers but are talented and good looking have to contend with this sort of crap.
I think that Chiarello is an exceptional chef and I really like his Foodnetwork show. However, he would be a lot cooler if he was less of a pompous prick. I mean, why is his show called "Easy Entertaining.. WITH MICHAEL CHIARELLO" ?? You don't see a show called "Everyday Italian .. WITH GIADA DELAURENTIS", it is just called "Everyday Italian". Neither do you see a show called "30-Minute Meals... WITH RACHAEL RAY" It is just called "30-Minute Meals". He was like... "Excuse me, I am a very successful vinter from Napa Valley and my Italian family is very prominent and I am such a great chef and I will only do this show if it has my name in the title." I just saw his Around the World Wine Party episode on 11.30.06 and I know now that he is secretly homosexual. No problem with me. I am all about people loving what they love and I think that he secretly loves men. He is married, but I would bet my left testicle that she married him because he is rich, a great cook and ... well, a great cook. I would almost marry him cause of his cooking and I am a flaming hetero. I think he married her, because his prominent Italian family would outcast him if he were ever to express his inner gayness. Well, he does seem like a happy man and I am happy for him. Whatever he wants to do with his sexuality is beside the point. I just wanted to let everyone know that I have the best gaydar of any hetero male I know of and I know that Michael Chiarello is secretly gay.
BTW - He has a lot of really really hot female friends!! Keep em comin, Mike!
Yeah, we all want Michael C to be gay....but the one I am pinging on now is Bobby Deen of the Deen Team, sons of Paula Deen. The cute dark hair one is Bobby. He's has to be gay. His goofy big frat brother Jamie is married inspite of his thoroughly gay hair...but the dark smoldering one, sexy and sophisticated...please Lord...GAY
I'm sorry but I still think he is gay as well. He is hiding for some reason.
Hey, emery!
I don't think attaching one's name to something he or she may be passionate about is wrong, but apparently you do.
If so, you must be very disappointed with Giada and Rachael's current projects. In fact, Rachael Ray's is splashed everywhere. I guess that makes her a pompous bitch, huh?
Totally agree about the Deen boys, even the one that recently married. I always thought they both were, you never know, married doesn't always=straight. But I definetely get the vibe off both of them. Although it could just be a mama's boy thing, they have spent a lot of time it seems predominantly in the company of Paula, I don't know for sure how much contact if any they have or had with their dad but it sure seems they hang with her the most, which is cool. I kinda like their show actually, if nothing else they really seem to enjoy the restaurants they go to in a huge way, if I had a restaurant they could come to it and ooh and ahh over the food on national television!
I have NEVER thought Michael to be gay; he is extremely sexy, a fabulous cook and if he wasn't married, I would become his stalker! I watched a Valentine's Day show that featured his wife Eileen, a truly beautiful woman where Michael prepared a great meal for two - and have seen who I believe is his youngest daughter. Take a look at his Chiarello Vineyards website, you can see a picture of him with Eileen on a scooter.
hey you guys, just watch his mannerisms. they are definitely very aggressive Italian male. None of my gay friends ever show aggressive body language. he also flirts shamelessly on his show with the ladies. he is a man's man in my book. I think you guys are homophobic. I came here because my wife thought he was gay and i wanted to prove her wrong. by the way gay is like blue eyes, you either are or you aren't, so stop being so afraid.
All the good ones are straight...even the Gay ones.
I LOVE that Michael Chiarello posted his comments here. I about fell out of my chair when I saw it.
Are we so desperate as a people that we have to think all the hot ones are gay? I admitt, I wish he was gay. I was right there with you all. But, see his words for yourself....HE IS STRAIGHT.
I think I am gonna cry now.
All the best ones are straight...even the gay ones!
Okay, I LOVE that Michael Charello posted here. I about fell out of my chair when I saw it. Apparently, he googles himself alot. And, has no beef about responding to comments about himself. GOOD FOR YOU.
So, from his own mouth...he is straight. But, I find myself asking a new question...Why do i care? He has a great show and is very pleasant on the eyes. I never plan on being in N. Cal to meet him. I find I am just as guilty thinking ridiculous questions about him as I feel about my fans who ask this crap about me.
Oh, and Michael, if you read this...stop answering this question. It is nobodies business for one, and two..at least let some of us keep the fantasy that...MAYBE?
Best of luck to you all
- Guy
Funny, I was just watching the show (a bruschetta bar!) and thinking Michael seemed awfully "gay." and google led me here. I do not think that was really Michael posting as himself in the comments. Would he really "way in" on something or would he spell it correctly?
I don't care if he's gay or not, but I do get curious about people who try to hide it.
I saw an episode of his show yesterday.
My mother was visiting and she changed the channel during commercial and I jokingly told her... verbatim "don't change the channel, you will miss it, he is going to kiss a dude"
We laugh.
until the end of the show when he in fact does kiss a guy... on the mouth.
What are the chances?
That wins the blue ribbon of gay.
It was an episode where he was cooking chicken and had some kind of competition with another guy (who he ends up making out with). Normally I would just say "eah who knows" but I just get this major vibe from that show like it is one big gay man's impression of what a straight guy is like.
If anyone believes someone isn't gay just because they got married, then they obviously don't know the statistics of how many gay people there are who have been married to the opposite sex. It happens pretty often. Most of those marriages don't tend to end ugly, and so the couples can remain good friends. Good enough friends to put off divorce. Notice how the food network doesn't have any black or openly gay hosts on their shows. They might appear as guests, but never hosts. They are kind of a conservative network. So it's very possible that they would want a gay host to stay in the closet. A wedding ring just isn't enough proof for me.
I have never given a second thought to the moon landings and I have always thought Chiarello was gay. Sadly enough, it took me until the other day to realize that the food network had not a single black personality on their channel! And no openly gay individuals either. Have you ever looked at the guests that he has over when he is doing a party? Very gay, indeed! To be honest, it doesn't matter a bit to me either way, but I have made up my mind!
yep, I had a problem with the "way in" comment, too. not sure the credited entry was from him. I just saw my first show, noticed the ring and wrote him off. (The show featured shepherd's pie, and guiness onion soup.) Then at the end he was entertaining and there was an unintroduced guy there. At the very end he asks for a song from the other two guests and I sure thought I heard him call the unintroduced guy, "hon". This guy was pretty attractive, too. I suppose I misheard but it was a pleasant enough shock to get me to find this website.
Have you guys noticed that he's the only one who hasn't had their significant other on their show? Most of the FN stars have their hubbys on their show but Michael never has (or I've never seen it) or even mentions her... that's why I thought he was gay- Not to mention his gestures, style, smile, dress, etc...
As a gay man that doesn't find Michael Chiarello particularly attractive, I don't for a moment believe he is heterosexual. The world is full of gay men that, for lack of acceptance by self, family and/or or society, choose to hide or attempt to change by marrying. And while I agree that it's none of our business, Michael fools no one.
That having been said, let me say that I enjoy his show immensely.
what a crock...how is a hetero sexual man suppose to act? apparently there is a standardized way to present yourself. acting outside of that makes you a target of public scrutiny. how small minded is that?
he says he's not. that's more than enough! what kind of society do we live in where the person(s) you choose to have intimate relations with defines who you are. isn't this the 21st century?
thank God he maintains his identity as a plain, humble man. he is extremely creative and his sensitivity is misunderstood. IT'S AN ITALIAN THING, YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND.
the fact that he actually took the specific time to write back a comment affirming that he is straight (or had one of his people write it for him) seems to just prove that he is probably gay....why would he even care otherwise???
oh and btw ill_bboy, i am italian also...but i'm just saying....i agree completely with hurner on this...he is very talented & entertaining.
I just saw the anniversary show Micheal Chiarello did and I swear his wife is an actess that I've seen somewhere before. I know that his one friend, who was also in this episode is the woman who sells Bare Minerals on the shopping channels. I just know I've seen his wife somewhere....
MC has a great show and although i understand his desire for familial privacy (don't we all desire that at times) i was thrilled to see his family on the more recent shows. it's great to see his recipes in a broader context, and i prefer the more "real" context of people to that of more marketed surroundings.
but i love the show, and i enjoy his store.
Michael Chiarello has four kids. Ranging from 22 years old to 23 months. He is currently with his second wife of five years. Did you know that he is to open a restaurant in 2008! I can not give any more details.......sorry!
I had the pleasure of meeting Michael at Macy's in Roseville, CA during a cooking demo. During the demo one of his daughters called him on his cell phone. He answered it and he was so cute on the phone! He seems like a great guy and a great dad! Too bad more men aren't like Michael. He is exactly the same in person as he is on TV. Just meeting him I got a feeling that he is a very nice person.
Did you catch his recent episode, Hot Stuff? He feeds a bunch of hot firefighters in his kitchen. I saw it in the gym, volume off, and couldn't believe I had never realized it before. He is so gay.
Wow, I can't believe there are so many people who still debate the "is he/isn't he" question, what are we, in 7th grade!!
Chiarello is a handsome man who dresses well, cares about his appearance and doesn't gush openly about his wife and family on his cooking show and that means he's gay?? Come on!
I've seen a show where he cooks dinner for his wife, one where he cooks for the "women in his life", which I believe did include his wife also, and a few shows where his daughter helps him out in the kitchen. He's a man who clearly has female influence all around him.
It's pretty sad when he even comes in here to post that he respects bloggers rights but wants to set the record straight a bit and people still question it.
Keep doing what you do Mike and don't let the haters bring you down!! :-)
Well, former NJ Gubna Jim McGreevey married twice as well...
Michale I love your show...I love your love of food and enjoy your recipes. I have seen your daughter and her friend on your program often.
I hope you don't take these people that judge others seriously. They have nothing else to do.
Hope to see more of you in the future......
Michael is very gay or at least bi sexual. If you watch his tv show when he has men on his program cooking with him it just seems so homosexual to me. IF anyone is watching the pizza competition, it just feels wierd to watch him.
I think there is a California drawl that makes lots of straight men 'sound gay.'
I never thought Michael C. was gay.So bad that these days we see a man with some manners and class and immediately think "gay".I got to this blog because I was curious about what the wife looks like,considering MC is a hottie.Maybe his family prefers their privacy and MC is enough of a gentleman to keep it. Aside from this,their is another consideration at hand.The one that isn't gay or straight;perhaps BOTH.
Ok, I did, in fact, come across this blog by typing "Michael Chiarello gay?" into a Google search. My husband is currently watching a recorded show and we got into a discussion about whether or not we thought he was. As I was browsing through the many comments, this unfortunate line was uttered by Michael on the recorded show..."you could just take out your little meat mallet and give it a little...give it a little pounding." I thought my husband was going to fall out of his chair. Just thought I would share.
Okay, fine. I read Michael's own posts. They sound like him... who knows if it's really him. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt....
I'm sitting here watching EEw/MC and he's making bon bons. Fine. Anyone can make bon bons. But then he says this:
"Making bon bons makes me want to sit on the couch and watch soap operas."
Well, if Michael Chiarello says that he is straight...loves his wife and kids. Well, I believe it.
I think as dynamic as the human species and condition is one can allow for a straight men to have gay sensibilities. :) And trust me, I have met many straight men who could be gay men in affectations.
But then again, sexuality is a complex thing. Appearances can be deceiving. And Americans are really interested in whether the sexy guys like men. Americans aren't as honest with sex matters anyway.
I like Michael Chiarello. I think that he has a lot of passion and enthusiasm for what he does.
"Are we so desperate as a people that we have to think all the hot ones are gay? I admitt, I wish he was gay. I was right there with you all. But, see his words for yourself....HE IS STRAIGHT.
I think I am gonna cry now."--Guy
Hey, maybe there is a Michael Chiarello lookalike out there who IS actually gay. But only he would be into circuit parties in Ibiza and is totally into AUSSIEBUMS swimwear.
"this unfortunate line was uttered by Michael on the recorded show...'you could just take out your little meat mallet and give it a little...give it a little pounding.' I thought my husband was going to fall out of his chair."--FreudianSlip
Sometimes you gotta laugh. :)
"Okay, fine. I read Michael's own posts... I'll give him the benefit of the doubt....
I'm sitting here watching EEw/MC and he's making bon bons. Fine. Anyone can make bon bons. But then he says this:
'Making bon bons makes me want to sit on the couch and watch soap operas.'"--Vanessa
Oh, no he din't say that!!!
"i've seen him squeeze lemon with his teeth..i hear he stirs polenta with his genitals...until i know for sure he doesn't, i think i have a right to know where his genitals have been."--George
How rustic!!! :O
"maybe he's hiding something else?"--Susan
Oh, like "little meat hammers"?!! :O
How scandalous!!!
I am thinking he probably has a "rolling pin" or a "pepper mill".
(The latter is in reference to die-hard "SEX IN THE CITY" fans.);P
"Notice how the food network doesn't have any black or openly gay hosts on their shows. They might appear as guests, but never hosts. They are kind of a conservative network. So it's very possible that they would want a gay host to stay in the closet."--Giadaluv
You are wrong about the FOOD network not having gay and black hosts. Ted Allen of QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY show is gay. He hosts CHOPPED and FOOD DETECTIVE on the FOOD network.
Sunshine Anderson (COOKING REAL) and The Neelys are black. They have their own cooking shows on there, too.
Enjoyed this article very much. Witty, clever and above all answer the time old question ... is Michael Chiarello gay?! Thanks!!!
It's well known here in Napa that Michael Chiarello screws EVERYTHING -- men and women. He was blatant about cheating on his first wife, Ines, and has had many, many dalliances up and down the valley with men and women. Don't buy the hetero act. He is bisexual, and not at all monagamous. He also has an enormous ego, even arrogance, and possesses only so-so cooking abilities. His helpers and assistants are the talented ones, and he uses them to make himself look good.
"It's well known here in Napa that Michael Chiarello screws EVERYTHING -- men and women. has had many, many dalliances up and down the valley with men and women. Don't buy the hetero act. He is bisexual, and not at all monagamous. He also has an enormous ego, even arrogance..."
There is nothing wrong with that. As long as I get some. Hehehe.
He MUST have some of the most wicked catered orgy parties at NapaStyle on the down low. I would bring a Hummingbird Cake and some Green Squall Gatorade for that. I bet he has to wear compression shorts to hide that monster!!!
"I always thought he was gay, my "gaydar" was very active the first day I saw him. Yes, he's married and has children, so what? Even if he's not gay, there are many gay people in denial who actually do marry and have children, some are gay and some we call bisexuals, some of whom actually deny that the other part of them that is attracted to the same gender is "not gay". Go figure."--Robert
They get away with murder...those traditional married bisexuals. Man, I bet he EVEN goes on those circuit parties in Ibiza, Spain.
" Michael Chiarello is the gayest thing on Food Network (even gayer than Party Line with the Hearty Boys)."
I wish that the Hearty Boys were straight. :) No one is gayer than the Hearty Boys.
" Sorry to let you all down..but I am straight...with a wife and four wonderful kids. I have always believed that because I choose to be in the public eye that my family would remain private. No boy friends on the side (girl friends either for that matter)A simple love for great food and wine and all that love the same. And all of you are right...if I was and wanted to come out...N. Cal would be easy ( and forgiving...as it should be)
I hope you all keep watching and surround your table with those you love.
Thanks for all the interest folks. After my web team at my business NapaStyle mentioned they ran across your blog I thought I would do the unthinkable and answer myself.
Married, 4 wonderful kids and straight. Having grown up in the restaurant business and N. Cal (if I was gay) coming out would not have been a problem. Just a simple country guy cook, farmer with a passion for food, wine and caring for my friends and family with both around the table. No girl (or boy) friends.
I appriciate your comments and respect your blog rights..."--M. Chiarello
Oookay. ;P
(I like it when they have to explain the situation. Hehehe.)
No need to explain. Be who you are, Michael. It makes the shows sooo much fun. The glances. The man parties. I am so-oo right there.
"It's pretty sad when he even comes in here to post that he respects bloggers rights but wants to set the record straight a bit and people still question it.
Keep doing what you do Mike and don't let the haters bring you down!! :-)"--Jenny
I don't hate Michael Chiarello. He is doing lots for gay people by being himself on Easy Entertaining and NAPASTYLE.
Why can't gay men be sexy, be manly, have a wifey and kids and cook Tuscan cuisine? Hmmm?!!!
I love America for anything is posssible.
Just because MC is married with kids and a wife doesn't automatically make him straight. Being gay may be acceptable in California but I'm sure his Italian heritage would frown on anything but a straight life. If he did have any balls he'd long be out of the closet.
OMG, Michael Chiarello..."IS TO DIE FOR!!!!"
"Thanks for all the interest folks. After my web team at my business NapaStyle mentioned they ran across your blog I thought I would do the unthinkable and answer myself.
Married, 4 wonderful kids and straight. Having grown up in the restaurant business and N. Cal (if I was gay) coming out would not have been a problem. Just a simple country guy cook, farmer with a passion for food, wine and caring for my friends and family with both around the table. No girl (or boy) friends.
I appriciate your comments and respect your blog rights just thought I would way in and leave some time for Dave Lieberman on your blog...he's the new guy on the network.
M. Chiarello"
-Shakespeare said it best, "the lady doth protest too much"
My opinion is that he's gay. First, his mannerisms. Second, the fact that so many people (including everyone who posted) have wondered & googled it to the point of making this blog entry a virtual community of speculators. Third, how did his staff hear about this article unless they googled his name and gay? Sounds pretty much like a guy who's trying to make sure no one catches on (as opposed to his staff simply googling his name to monitor his image and pr). But at the end of the day, who am I to judge? Only MC knows for sure, but it's fun to speculate.
Well, Governor Charlie Christ of Florida has been engaged several times and married at least twice and the guy is still "gayer than a box of birds." A man could marry ten times and still be attracted to men. However, I do believe that sometimes the world is projecting their fantasies (however delightful or grotesque,) on any celebrity that we're "iffy" about.
OMG. I am still laughing at the "gayer than a box of birds" comment. I have never heard that phrase, and almost dislocated my jaw laughing so hard. Personally, I think he is bi. I do think he probably leans more to the men than women, but who knows?
I have GREAT gaydar, and I never for one moment thought he was anything but a gorgeous, sexy, heterosexual. You guys were way off on this one!
All signs point to no, you say. But as Lee Garner, Jr. of Lucky Strike said to Bryan Batt's Mad Men character Sal Romano, "I know what I know."
I grew up with Mike and his brother Kevin, and the idea of Mike being gay is something that I would never have even imagined. Mike was always a really nice guy, and the thought that people might think he is gay just makes me laugh. I promise you, Mike is not now, nor has he ever been, gay.
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