Monday, September 04, 2006

The Food Network as Muse

What do you get when you mix Billy Joel's baby boomer rant with the Food Network? JordanBaker's brilliant, hilarious They Didn't Start the Fire (Food Network Remix). Sung to the tune of We Didn't Start the Fire, whet your appetite with this verse:

Giada, Sandra Lee, cleavage on the Food TV
Bend forward, stir the pot, get the viewer nice and hot.
Giada’s got a pumpkin head; Mario has chef cred;
Oil once around the pan, Sandra Lee was once a man.
Go now!

1 comment:

Nicole said...


It is hilarious!

I give it two thumbs up.

Okay and where did that disturbing photo of Rachel Ray in an apron come from?

I'm couting down the days until we get your opinion on her new show.