Friday, June 09, 2006

Semi-Fantastic Sandra Lee Blog

I'm taking a break from an ultra-busy Friday to direct you to one of the funniest blogs I've ever seen. Take a few minutes and peruse the hilarity over at Semi-Horrible Cooking. This person does a play-by-play of each episode of Semi-Homemade Cooking and even finds time to deconstruct random photos of Ms. Lee(?):

I realize the whole thing is a little OCD, but if you're looking for Semi-Homemade minutae, go now! You won't be sorry.


Missuz Bloom said...

Ah yes, the Halloween Costume that didn't make the cut. That picture is classic!

oueenofknives said...

what's up with the matchy-kitchen-outfit thing?
What kind of depravity did this (ah-hum) woman have to engage in to get a network show.!
Seriously, is this for real, or a very prolonged network joke to see how long they can string people along..ARE WE BEING PUNK'D.?
I want my half hour back!!!!

Unknown said...

Sandra my dear, you need to get a life, and learn to cook...